About The Westcliff Residents’ Association
The Westcliff Residents’ Association (WRA) consists of volunteer residents with a common goal of maintaining the ambience of this beautiful suburb. Our intentions are to inform residents of pertinent local issues and to provide a forum for discussion on the direction of the future for the Westcliff community.
Use this site as your first point of contact, to raise an issue or request information or assistance. Help us understand your views on issues concerning the suburb and its residents. Be a part of the social network that can make a difference in your suburb, to keep it spectacular, unique and safe.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Westcliff’s open spaces, established gardens and Heritage homes are a major attraction for any buyer. These characteristics are maintained both by residents and by development guidelines.
The Westcliff Residents Association aims to:
- promote, protect and foster the interests of the residents and property owners in Westcliff
- maintain and protect the special residential character of Westcliff
- formulate a development plan for Westcliff and register it with the local authority
- use its best endeavours to ensure that the principles contained in the development plan are adhered to
- stimulate awareness of the historical, architectural and aesthetic value of Westcliff
- collect and raise funds for the advancement of the objectives of the Association.
See our Constitution and Mandate here for full details.